Photography Instructor

January 05, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I am super excited to announce that I will be teaching some beginner photography classes for PSP at the Edmonton Garrison!

January 29, 2016 from 1:00 to 4:00 PM will be the first one and we are just firming up the other dates! To sign up, or for more information, go to:

Then go to Courses > make sure it says Winter 2017 > Adult > Recreation > and then the course name is Photography Jan 29. People save $5 if you register online.

I hope to see you there!

Class Objectives:
Learn the basics of how to use a camera
Learn basic composition techniques
Learn how to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a photo; and how to improve it
Explore different types of photography; and what technical considerations are relevant for each
Practice basic photography skills
Get inspired and have fun!
Class Structure:
     1 hour instruction
     30 minutes on image critique
     1 hour photo walk
     15 minutes for questions and wrap up
What you will need:
               A camera – minimum of a cell phone camera
Note taking system
Open mind
Weather appropriate clothing
4 Photos you have taken in the past
A can do attitude!
Lecture topics will vary depending on the level and goals of the participants:
The Basics: Body mechanics, equipment, safety, and settings
Other Technical Consideration: White Balance and Focus
Considerations for Different Types of Photography
Image Critique
Final Thoughts: Naming, Resources, Self-portraits, and Professionals


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