Fierce Fashion Photography: Of Flesh and LoveAgain, I am so inspired by my clients. I love telling their stories in hopes that others may be as inspired by them as I am! Meet Kendra of Of Flesh and Love: Clothing and Harness Design. Kendra was introduced to me by my husband. Without sounding like the most creepy couple ever, I was waiting to drop off supper for my husband at his workplace, and Kendra was walking up to us. Knowing me well, my husband said, "I've been meaning to introduce you to Kendra. You are going to want to photograph her." My husband wasn't kidding. Kendra walked up with her killer outfit (which I later would learn she sewed herself), her beautiful tattoos, long hair, and unique jewelry. She was edgy, intriguing, and colourful, with an inviting face. Kendra also had personality and a sense of humour and it took me no time at all to outright tell her, "I need to photograph you." That's right. I didn't ask. I told her. Luckily she agreed and a fight did not have to ensue. I am in no way saying I am bored of my clientele; but in a boudoir marathon day of teddies, underwire bras, and my conventional beauties, Kendra was a nice break from the typical. She showed up with dreadlocks and the most unique lingerie I had ever seen. She was confident, decisive, and creative. I like all those things! *Side note: You do not need to wear lingerie for boudoir. You can wear whatever you want* Kendra called these pieces "harnesses." They created these great lines and designs on the body. Daring, but feminine; strong but seductive. I had never seen lingerie like this in my life even though I regularly photograph women in some great pieces. Although Kendra has a great figure, these pieces could work on anyone daring enough to try something outside the typical. Kendra informed me that all her lingerie pieces were made by hand. No wonder I had never seen anything like this before; they were one of a kind made custom. Kendra's boudoir shoot was one of my all time favourites. Kicking ass is sexy, and the resulting photos spoke to us and others.
Above image accepted to PPOC-AB Image Salon 2016 in Portraiture Category
Kendra got the courage to put herself out there despite her original doubts regarding the demand for the product and her ability to run a business on top of her day job. I am sure glad she did because, unsurprisingly, there is a huge demand for her unique lingerie designs! Cue the make up artist, hair stylist, models, and assistants! Last week, Kendra and I teamed up to do some fashion shots with her creations. I am so excited to share some of the shots here! I can't wait to edit a few more and share them with you! To check out Kendra's creations, go to Of Flesh and Love: Clothing and Harnesses on Facebook and on Instagram @offleshandlove
Flesh and Love,
like a boss,
portrait photography,
strong woman
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