Photography for Writers

September 26, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

I have been fortunate enough to meet some really cool people with my photography. Through photography, I have been able to learn about some interesting industries I would have never thought twice about before. Working with authors and writers has allowed me to ride a steep learning curve in graphic design and photography for this industry. 

I just had my first book cover released this month. The photo shoot was 18 months prior and it finally has become a tangible paperback! Earlier this month, I shot two more book covers, which will likely be released in late 2017 and early 2018. The toughest part about these projects are that even when you have a great shoot and get the results you hoped for, you have to keep quiet about it for such a long time!

I also did some promotional photography for a couple authors. 

It is interesting (and somewhat disappointing) to see that writers deal with some similar issues to other artists and photographers when it comes to their industry. With art becoming more digital and the cost of production going up, their great work is often under-valued. With social media often dictating what becomes well known and popular, those who produce high quality work are often not as recognized as others who have a stronger PR team, or deeper pockets, or more networking connections.

It is difficult to see talented artists selling their product on Amazon for 0.99 per E-book. Like other artists, it is about the love of writing, the love of the characters, and the desire to provide their fans and readers with an emotional reaction and connection to the story. 

With photography, I hope to convey a story and create an emotional response; it is about the love of creating the image. It really isn't that different. 

It makes me think a lot about how all us artists (writers, mixed-media, musicians, photographers, fabric artists, etc.) are all forced to under-value our work to survive in the industry which does not benefit it as a whole. That is a post for another day, but I just wanted to remind all you artists out there to remember your worth (and know it is high). 

Thank you to those brave souls who, despite the trials and tribulations of our creatively driven and subjective industries, continue to take risks to push their crafts while creating art for the rest of us to enjoy. Sometimes this means doing it along with a day job, and other times this may mean abandoning the traditional, and secure life path for a much more unpredictable one.

I am writing a three part blog series on three clients of mine who are authors. After that, I can't wait to introduce you to two other clients who are in fabric arts. How did I get so lucky to meet so many gutsy, inspiring women?



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